Texts and Labels

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November 23, 2014 Common Tasks No Comments

Formatting Texts and Labels *

To format texts on the widgets (for example captions or labels):

  1. Select a widget.
  2. Use formatting commands from the top toolbar:

Formatting icons on the top toolbar


Formatting commands on the top toolbar are:

  • Bold, italic, underline.
  • Font size.
  • Font color.
  • Left, right, or center alignment.


  • Some widgets (such as tables, for example) contain multiple text areas; these are formatted separately via property panel.

Free Text Formatting *

For Text widgets and labels of labeled widgets, you are not limited to format the entire text but you can format parts of it:

  1. Select a Text widget or a labeled widget
  2. In property panel, select a part of the text you want to format.
  3. Apply formatting by using the mini-toolbar on the top of the property panel.

Free Text Formatting

Fit to Text *

Most of the text widgets (Text or Field, for example) can be resized to fit the text they contain:

Fit to text


Word-Wrap *

Text widget has a word-wrap capability:

  • By default, it’s turned on.
  • To switch it on or off, use Word-wrap attribute on Text widget’s property panel:

Text word wrap


Generating Dummy “Lorem ipsum” Text *

To populate a Text widget with a dummy text of desired length (using standard “lorem ipsum” paragraphs):

  1. Select Text widget.
  2. Use Lorem Ipsum option from the “Advanced” tab on theproperty panel:

Lorem ipsum dummy text